Source code for

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    Implements Python client library for Namebase Exchange API.
    All calls require Authentication through a Bearer Token.
    from import *
from typing import Optional
from namebase_exchange.enums import *
from namebase_exchange.utils import *

__all__ = ['Exchange', 'Symbol', 'Asset', 'OrderType', 'OrderSide', 'Interval']


[docs]class Exchange: def __init__(self, access_key: str, secret_key: str, api_root=DEFAULT_API_ROOT, api_version=DEFAULT_API_VERSION): headers = { "Authorization": "Basic {}".format(encode_credentials(access_key, secret_key)), "Accept": 'application/json', "Content-Type": 'application/json' } self.request = Request(api_base_url=api_root + api_version, headers=headers, timeout=30)
[docs] def get_exchange_info(self): """ Function to fetch the Current Exchange trading rules and symbol information. Use to test connectivity to the Rest API. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_exchange_info() The expected return result:: { "timezone": "UTC", "serverTime": 1555556529865, "symbols": [{ "symbol": "HNSBTC", "status": "TRADING", "baseAsset": "HNS", "basePrecision": 6, "quoteAsset": "BTC", "quotePrecision": 8, "orderTypes": ["LMT", "MKT"] }] } """ return self.request.get(path="/info")
[docs] def get_depth(self, symbol: Symbol, limit: int = 100) -> dict: """ Function to get the Order Book Depth for a given Symbol. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_exchange_depth(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC, limit=100) The expected return result:: { "lastEventId": 6828, // The last event id this includes "bids": [ ["0.00003000", "200.000000"] // [Price level, Quantity] ], "asks": [ ["0.00003100", "100.000000"] ] } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param limit: The max number of rows to return, default 100. :type limit: int :return: JSON Dictionary """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value, "limit": limit } return self.request.get(path="/depth", params=api_params)
[docs] def get_trade(self, symbol: Symbol, trade_id: Optional[int] = None, limit: int = 100, receive_window: Optional[int] = None) -> dict: """ Function to get older trades. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_trade(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC, trade_id=28457, limit=100) The expected return result:: [ { "tradeId": 28457, "price": "0.00003000", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01500000", "createdAt": 1555556529865, "isBuyerMaker": true } ] :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param trade_id: The Trade ID (int) - not mandatory. :type trade_id: int :param limit: Limit on number of rows to return - default 100. :type limit: int :param receive_window: Receive Window - not mandatory. :type receive_window: int :return: List of trades """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value, "limit": limit, "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if trade_id is not None: api_params['tradeId'] = trade_id if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.get(path='/trade', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_kline(self, symbol: Symbol, interval: Interval, start_time: Optional[int] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, limit: int = 100): """ Function to get Kline (candlestick) bars for a given symbol. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_kline(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC, interval=Interval.ONE_HOUR, limit=100) The expected return result:: [ { "openTime": 1557190800000, "closeTime": 1557190859999, "openPrice": "0.00002247", "highPrice": "0.00002256", "lowPrice": "0.00002243", "closePrice": "0.00002253", "volume": "10.001301", "quoteVolume": "0.000224824", "numberOfTrades": 42 } ] :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param interval: The Kline Interval. :type interval: Interval :param start_time: Optional Start Time. :type start_time: int :param end_time: Optional End Time. :type end_time: int :param limit: Limit number of rows to be returned. Default 100. :type limit: int :return: List of Candlestick Bars. """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value, "interval": interval.value, "limit": limit } if start_time is not None: api_params['startTime'] = start_time if end_time is not None: api_params['endTime'] = end_time return self.request.get(path='/ticker/klines', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_ticker_day(self, symbol: Symbol): """ Function to get 24 hour rolling window price change statistics. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_ticker_day(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC) The expected return result:: { "volumeWeightedAveragePrice": "0.00001959", "priceChange": "0.00000019", "priceChangePercent": "0.8528", "openPrice": "0.00002228", "highPrice": "0.00002247", "lowPrice": "0.00001414", "closePrice": "0.00002247", "volume": "11413.935399", "quoteVolume": "0.22363732", "openTime": 1555467560001, "closeTime": 1555553960000, "firstTradeId": 19761, "lastTradeId": 20926, "numberOfTrades": 1166 } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :return: JSON Dictionary """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value } return self.request.get(path='/ticker/day', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_ticker_price(self, symbol: Symbol): """ Function to get latest price for a symbol or symbols. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_ticker_price(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC) The expected return result:: { "price": "0.00002300" } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :return: JSON Dictionary """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value } return self.request.get(path='/ticker/price', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_ticker_book(self, symbol: Symbol): """ Function to get best price/quantity on the order book for a symbol or symbols. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_ticker_book(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC) The expected return result:: { "bidPrice": "0.00002000", "bidQuantity": "100.000000", "askPrice": "0.00002300", "askQuantity": "9000.100000" } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :return: JSON Dictionary """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value } return self.request.get(path='/ticker/book', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_ticker_supply(self, asset: Asset): """ Function to get the circulating supply for the provided asset. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_ticker_supply(asset=Asset.HNS) The expected return result:: { "height": 22012, "circulatingSupply": "116082412.354562", } :param asset: Trading Asset. :type asset: Asset :return: JSON Dictionary """ api_params = { "asset": asset.value } return self.request.get(path='/ticker/supply', params=api_params)
[docs] def new_order(self, symbol: Symbol, side: OrderSide, order_type: OrderType, quantity: str, price: Optional[str] = None, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to send in a new order. Price is only required for Limit orders. Execution of this function is as follows:: new_order(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC, side=OrderSide.SELL, type=OrderType.MARKET, quantity='1000.0') The expected return result:: { "orderId": 174, "createdAt": 1555556529865, "price": "0.00000000", "originalQuantity": "1000.00000000", "executedQuantity": "1000.00000000", "status": "FILLED", "type": "MKT", "side": "SELL", "fills": [ { "price": "0.00003000", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01500000", "commission": "0.00000750", "commissionAsset": "BTC" }, { "price": "0.00002000", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01000000", "commission": "0.00000500", "commissionAsset": "BTC" } ] } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param side: The desired Order Side. :type side: OrderSide :param order_type: The desired type of Order. :type order_type: OrderType :param quantity: The quantity of the base asset. :type quantity: string representation of decimal :param price: The price of the quote asset per 1 unit of base asset. Only mandatory for LIMIT orders. :type price: string representation of decimal :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary of immediate Order Status """ api_params = { 'symbol': symbol.value, 'side': side.value, 'type': order_type.value, 'quantity': quantity, 'timestamp': get_current_time_milliseconds() } if price is not None: api_params['price'] = price if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return'/order', json_data=api_params)
[docs] def get_order(self, symbol: Symbol, order_id: int, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to get an order's status. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_order(symbol=Symbol, order_id=1) The expected return result:: { "orderId": 1, "price": "0.1", "originalQuantity": "1.0", "executedQuantity": "0.0", "status": "NEW", "type": "LMT", "side": "BUY", "createdAt": 1555556529865, "updatedAt": 1555556529865 } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param order_id: The Order ID. :type order_id: int :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary of Order Information """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value, "orderId": order_id, "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.get(path='/order', params=api_params)
[docs] def delete_order(self, symbol: Symbol, order_id: int, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to cancel an active order. Execution of this function is as follows:: delete_order(symbol=Symbol, order_id=1) The expected return result:: { "orderId": 28, "price": "1.00000000", "originalQuantity": "910.00000000", "executedQuantity": "19.00000000", "status": "CANCELED", "type": "LMT", "side": "SELL", "createdAt": 1555556529865, } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param order_id: The Order ID. :type order_id: int :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary of Order Status. """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value, "orderId": order_id, "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.delete(path='/order', json_data=api_params)
[docs] def get_open_orders(self, symbol: Symbol, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to get the most recent open orders on a symbol (limited to 500). Execution of this function is as follows:: get_open_orders(symbol=Symbol) The expected return result:: [ { "orderId": 1, "price": "0.1", "originalQuantity": "1.0", "executedQuantity": "0.0", "status": "NEW", "type": "LMT", "side": "BUY", "createdAt": 1555556529865, "updatedAt": 1555556529865 } ] :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value, "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.get(path='/order/open', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_all_orders(self, symbol: Symbol, order_id: Optional[int] = None, limit: int = 100, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to get all account orders; active, cancelled, or filled. If order_id is provided, it will get orders >= order_id. Otherwise you will receive the most recent orders. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_all_orders(symbol=Symbol, limit=100) The expected return result:: [ { "orderId": 1, "price": "0.1", "originalQuantity": "1.0", "executedQuantity": "0.0", "status": "NEW", "type": "LMT", "side": "BUY", "createdAt": 1555556529865, "updatedAt": 1555556529865 } ] :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param order_id: The Order ID. :type order_id: int :param limit: Limit number of rows. Default 100. :type limit: int :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: List of All Orders. """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value, "limit": limit, "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if order_id is not None: api_params['orderId'] = order_id if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.get(path='/order/all', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_account_information(self, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to get basic account information. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_account_information() The expected return result:: { "makerFee": 15, // in basis points, 0.15% "takerFee": 15, // in basis points, 0.15% "canTrade": true, "balances": [ { "asset": "HNS", "unlocked": "779.900092", "lockedInOrders": "100.000000", "canDeposit": true, "canWithdraw": true }, { "asset": "BTC", "unlocked": "5.10000012", "lockedInOrders": "1.000000", "canDeposit": true, "canWithdraw": true } ] } :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary """ api_params = { "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.get(path='/account', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_account_limits(self, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to get your account's withdrawal limits for all assets. Withdrawal limits are applied on a 24-hour rolling basis. Start and End time is provided in the response startTime and endTime. totalWithdrawn: how much asset has been withdrawn in past 24 hours. withdrawalLimit: how much can be withdrawn in the specified period. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_account_limits() The expected return result:: { "startTime": 1555467560001, "endTime": 1555553960000, "withdrawalLimits": [ { "asset": "HNS", "totalWithdrawn": "500.000000", "withdrawalLimit": "10000.000000", }, { "asset": "BTC", "totalWithdrawn": "0.50000000", "withdrawalLimit": "5.00000000", } ] } :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary """ api_params = { "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.get(path='/account/limits', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_account_trades(self, symbol: Symbol, trade_id: Optional[int], limit: int = 100, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to get trades a specific account and symbol. If trade_id is set, it will get trades >= trade_id. Otherwise you will get your most recent trades. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_account_trades(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC) The expected return result:: [ { "tradeId": 10921, "orderId": 61313, "price": "8.00000000", "quantity": "200.000000", "quoteQuantity": "1600.00000000", "commission": "4.500000", "commissionAsset": "HNS", "createdAt": 1555556529865, "isBuyer": true, "isMaker": false, } ] :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param trade_id: The Trade ID. :type trade_id: int :param limit: Limit number of rows. Default 100. :type limit: int :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: List of Account Trades """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value, "limit": limit, "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if trade_id is not None: api_params['tradeId'] = trade_id if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.get(path='/trade/account', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_order_trades(self, symbol: Symbol, order_id: int, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to get trades a specific order and symbol. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_order_trades(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC, order_id=61313) The expected return result:: [ { "tradeId": 10921, "orderId": 61313, "price": "8.00000000", "quantity": "200.000000", "quoteQuantity": "1600.00000000", "commission": "4.500000", "commissionAsset": "HNS", "createdAt": 1555556529865, "isBuyer": true, "isMaker": false, } ] :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param order_id: The Order ID. :type order_id: int :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: List of Trades """ api_params = { "symbol": symbol.value, "orderId": order_id, "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.get(path='/trade/order', params=api_params)
[docs] def generate_deposit_address(self, asset: Asset, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to generate a deposit address. Execution of this function is as follows:: generate_deposit_address(asset=Symbol.HNS) The expected return result:: { "address": "ts1qjg8chhk2t4zff4ltdaug3g9f7sxgne98jyv6ar", "success": true, "asset": "HNS" } :param asset: The Trading Asset. :type asset: Asset :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary """ api_params = { 'asset': asset.value, 'timestamp': get_current_time_milliseconds() } if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return'/deposit/address', json_data=api_params)
[docs] def withdraw(self, asset: Asset, address: str, amount: float, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to withdraw asset. Execution of this function is as follows:: withdraw(asset=Symbol.HNS, address=YOUR_ADDRESS, amount=1932.1) The expected return result:: { "message": "success", "success": true, "id": "df7282ad-df8c-44f7-b747-5b09079ee852" } :param asset: The Trading Asset. :type asset: Asset :param address: The Address where the Asset is to be withdrawn. :type address: str :param amount: The amount of asset to be withdrawn. :type amount: float :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary """ api_params = { 'asset': asset.value, 'address': address, 'amount': amount, 'timestamp': get_current_time_milliseconds() } if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return'/withdraw', json_data=api_params)
[docs] def get_deposit_history(self, asset: Asset, start_time: Optional[int] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to get deposit history for an asset. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_deposit_history(asset=Symbol.HNS) The expected return result:: [ { "asset": "HNS", "amount": "31.853300", "address": "ts1qtq6ymgcep8mz2ag32ftrktwws0hr4uygprjurf", "txHash": "e7714680a4d93e3b29348eab38c22bb99949ed4d8aea7006091ff5f9712d1ec6", "createdAt": 1555556529865, }, { "asset": "HNS", "amount": "210.000333", "address": "n1M5Rw3r7WkujB2dG1L84M3a4pzr2NKvfp", "txHash": "1d0827c642bd67781f80fe15c0fbb349aa4e35117adba06a52add4b207d334dd", "createdAt": 1555556529865, } ] :param asset: The Trading Asset. :type asset: Asset :param start_time: The Start Time. :type start_time: int :param end_time: The End Time. :type end_time: int :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window :type receive_window: int :return: List of Asset Deposits """ api_params = { "asset": asset.value, "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if start_time is not None: api_params['startTime'] = start_time if end_time is not None: api_params['endTime'] = end_time if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.get(path='/deposit/history', params=api_params)
[docs] def get_withdraw_history(self, asset: Asset, start_time: Optional[int] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None, receive_window: Optional[int] = None): """ Function to get withdraw history for an asset. Execution of this function is as follows:: get_withdraw_history(asset=Symbol.HNS) The expected return result:: [ { "id": "3333edc6-e5c6-4d23-bf84-7b1072a90e37", "asset": "HNS", "amount": "1.000000", "minerFee": "0.100000", "address": "ts1qtq6ymgcep8mz2ag32ftrktwws0hr4uygprjurf", "txHash": "e7714680a4d93e3b29348eab38c22bb99949ed4d8aea7006091ff5f9712d1ec6", "createdAt": 1555556529865, }, { "id": "180ceb4d-d303-4fed-9af6-213b5137255a", "asset": "HNS", "amount": "1200.000000", "minerFee": "0.200000", "address": "ts1qygv5nh38e9sl8npm4pcx8mqqqfp9sjaq4jrsn5", "txHash": "c5c398802554b861bef2ec7c4805846ff400a90f71059619974685848bbc4fd3", "createdAt": 1555556529865, } ] :param asset: The Trading Asset. :type asset: Asset :param start_time: The Start Time. :type start_time: int :param end_time: The End Time. :type end_time: int :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: List of Withdraws """ api_params = { "asset": asset.value, "timestamp": get_current_time_milliseconds() } if start_time is not None: api_params['startTime'] = start_time if end_time is not None: api_params['endTime'] = end_time if receive_window is not None: api_params['receiveWindow'] = receive_window return self.request.get(path='/withdraw/history', params=api_params)
[docs] def limit_sell(self, symbol: Symbol, price: str, quantity: str, receive_window: Optional[int]): """ Function to execute a Limit Sell. Execution of this function is as follows:: limit_sell(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC, price='0.6', quantity='1000.0') The expected return result:: { "orderId": 174, "createdAt": 1555556529865, "price": "0.6", "originalQuantity": "1000.00000000", "executedQuantity": "1000.00000000", "status": "FILLED", "type": "LMT", "side": "SELL", "fills": [ { "price": "0.6000", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01500000", "commission": "0.00000750", "commissionAsset": "BTC" }, { "price": "0.6", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01000000", "commission": "0.00000500", "commissionAsset": "BTC" } ] } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param quantity: The quantity of the base asset. :type quantity: str representation of decimal :param price: The price of the quote asset per 1 unit of base asset. :type price: str representation of decimal :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary of immediate Order Status """ return self.new_order(symbol, OrderSide.SELL, OrderType.LIMIT, quantity, price, receive_window)
[docs] def limit_buy(self, symbol: Symbol, price: str, quantity: str, receive_window: Optional[int]): """ Function to execute a Limit Buy. Execution of this function is as follows:: limit_buy(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC, price='0.6', quantity='1000.0') The expected return result:: { "orderId": 174, "createdAt": 1555556529865, "price": "0.6", "originalQuantity": "1000.00000000", "executedQuantity": "1000.00000000", "status": "FILLED", "type": "LMT", "side": "BUY", "fills": [ { "price": "0.6000", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01500000", "commission": "0.00000750", "commissionAsset": "BTC" }, { "price": "0.6", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01000000", "commission": "0.00000500", "commissionAsset": "BTC" } ] } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param quantity: The quantity of the base asset. :type quantity: str representation of decimal :param price: The price of the quote asset per 1 unit of base asset. :type price: str representation of decimal :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary of immediate Order Status """ return self.new_order(symbol, OrderSide.BUY, OrderType.LIMIT, quantity, price, receive_window)
[docs] def market_sell(self, symbol: Symbol, quantity: str, receive_window: Optional[int]): """ Function to execute a Market Sell. Execution of this function is as follows:: market_sell(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC, quantity='1000.0') The expected return result:: { "orderId": 174, "createdAt": 1555556529865, "price": "0.0", "originalQuantity": "1000.00000000", "executedQuantity": "1000.00000000", "status": "FILLED", "type": "MKT", "side": "SELL", "fills": [ { "price": "0.6000", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01500000", "commission": "0.00000750", "commissionAsset": "BTC" }, { "price": "0.6000", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01000000", "commission": "0.00000500", "commissionAsset": "BTC" } ] } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param quantity: The quantity of the base asset. :type quantity: str representation of decimal :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary of immediate Order Status """ return self.new_order(symbol, OrderSide.SELL, OrderType.MARKET, quantity, price=None, receive_window=receive_window)
[docs] def market_buy(self, symbol: Symbol, quantity: str, receive_window: Optional[int]): """ Function to execute a Market Buy. Execution of this function is as follows:: market_buy(symbol=Symbol.HNSBTC, quantity='1000.0') The expected return result:: { "orderId": 174, "createdAt": 1555556529865, "price": "0.0", "originalQuantity": "1000.00000000", "executedQuantity": "1000.00000000", "status": "FILLED", "type": "MKT", "side": "BUY", "fills": [ { "price": "0.6000", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01500000", "commission": "0.00000750", "commissionAsset": "BTC" }, { "price": "0.6000", "quantity": "500.000000", "quoteQuantity": "0.01000000", "commission": "0.00000500", "commissionAsset": "BTC" } ] } :param symbol: The Trading Symbol. :type symbol: Symbol :param quantity: The quantity of the base asset. :type quantity: str representation of decimal :param receive_window: Optional Receive Window. :type receive_window: int :return: JSON Dictionary of immediate Order Status """ return self.new_order(symbol, OrderSide.BUY, OrderType.MARKET, quantity, price=None, receive_window=receive_window)
[docs] def get_dns_settings(self, domain: str): """ Function to return the Handshake DNS settings for a domain. Execution of this function is as follows:: # get_dns_settings(domain = 'test.testdomain') The expected return result:: [ { "success": boolean, "currentHeight": integer, "upToDate": boolean, "canUseSimpleUi": boolean, // false if the records were set using the advanced settings "rawNameState": string, // hex of synced blockchain records "fee": string, "records": Record[], } ] :param domain: :return: List of records """ return self.request.get(path=f'/dns/domains/{domain}')
[docs] def update_dns_settings(self, domain: str, record_type: str = 'TXT', value: str = '', host: Optional[str] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = 0) -> dict: """ Function to updates the Handshake DNS settings for a domain. Execution of this function is as follows:: # update_dns_settings(domain = 'test.testdomain', record_type = 'TXT', value = 'AAApJJPnci_CzFnddB076HGu1_C64T6bfoiQqvsiVB5XeQ', host: '') The expected return result:: [ { "success": boolean, "txHash": string, "rawNameState": string, // hex of synced blockchain records "records": Record[], } ] :param value: :param record_type: :param domain: :param host: :return: List of records """ api_params = { "type": record_type, "host": host, "value": value, "ttl": ttl } return'/dns/domains/{domain}', json_data=api_params)